The Fairmont West Virginian, June 22, 1906
Coroner Amos Telephoned For----A telephone message was received here this afternoon to the effect that Frank Fisher, on the head waters of Buffalo Creek, in Mannington district had shot and killed his sister this morning. The message stated that the killing was intentional and was witnessed by a sister of the murdered girl. Coroner Amos was asked to come to the scene of the murder but her has not gone yet. He and Prosecuting Attorney Lowe will probably go this evening.The Fisher home is said to be within a half mile of the Wetzel county line. Very few details of the affair could be learned at press time.
The Fairmont West Virginian, June 23, 1906
Was Arrested Then Released----As stated in yesterday's West Virginian, Coroner Amos was called to Mannington district yesterday afternoon to investigate the killing of a sister by Frank Fisher. Coroner Amos started to the scene of the killing, but before her had gotten far from Mannington her met Deputy Sheriff J.D. Charlton, A.F. Millan and Brice Jolliffe, who had been at the scene of the shooting. They reported that it was impossible to find out how the affair happened and that it was absolutely unnecessary to try to ferret out the facts in the case. The Fishers seem to be a very trashy set of people, the father and one brother of Frank now serving time in the penitentiary. The girl who was killed was said to be fairly good looking and had a brighter intellect than the others, but the lives of the whole family are said to be on a very low plane.An investigation by the officers failed to establish a sufficient number of facts upon which to base a further attempt and an order was issued to bury the girl without a coroner's investigation and Fisher was released.
There's no more info to be found about this murder, not even what the girls name was or her age. The whole thing just seems really strange, and I get the feeling the Fishers may be the inspiration for Deliverance. Perhaps the police figured it best to just keep their distance!